An invitation to open spaciously into a sparkling new year, Unfurl explores winter rest, restoration and renewal in a thoughtful three part series, journeying through yin, hatha and vinyasa yoga. Nourishing practices seamlessly integrate asana, pranayama and meditation, under the guidance of a seasoned movement instructor. Unwind slowly, attending sessions in succession, or take what you need, selecting any as a stand-alone.
Saturdays in January, 9:30-10:45am, Jan 7, 14, 21
$25 drop in $66 for all 3
Jan 21: Balance is Beautiful
Energizing the body mind, this active vinyasa practice is a beautiful culmination session if taken in succession. As a stand alone, it is a beginner friendly session that offers options for intermediate level challenges. This unfurling flow, centers around heart openings, balancing poses and twists. Dedicating time to experience a full, well rounded practice renews awareness and helps bring balance to the nervous system. Asanas and breathwork stoke the heat of your inner fire, so you can harness the energy you need. Spiral outward from this session and series with open arms and grounded feet, feeling spacious and empowered.
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