Join us as we come together in virtual ceremony and celebration to welcome the transition from Spring to Summer. By marking the transition of the seasons with intention, we place ourselves as part of the infinite and beautiful world in which we live. Around the Summer Solstice we are reminded of the importance of honoring our connection to the natural world. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year. Here, at the Summer Solstice, we are fully awake. Our spirits are alive, refreshed, renewed, and energized - yearning to feel alive, to move, and to celebrate. We can receive and soak up the energy of the Summer Solstice to inspire us, to uplift us and to energize us.
The Solstice is also a global moment - meaning it happens at an exact moment, the same moment, everywhere on Earth - reminding us that we are part of a global community and providing for us a moment in time to feel connected to everyone else on Earth.
Let us take time in community to be present and mindful in this global moment together, to salute the sun, the harvest of our own inner blossoms and the amazing blossoming of nature's expression. This two hour virtual event is for any and all levels and will be a lovely blend of ceremony, mindful movement, energizing breath, restorative yoga, meditation and sound healing.